Angielska wojna domowa - siły rojalistów po lewej, parlamentu po prawej
English Civil War - Royalists on the left, Parliament forces on the right
Jazda rojalistów/ Royalist cavalry
Dragoni rojalistów/ Royalist dragons
Piechota rojalistów atakuje centrum sił parlamentu i zostaje odparta/ Royalist infantry attacks centre of the Parliamentarian forces, but is defeated.
Artyleria i piechota sił parlamentu/ Parliamentarian artillery and infantry
Starcie piechoty. Szyki rojalistów zmieszane przez ostrzał. Infantry clash. Royalist infantry distrupted by the musket volleys of parliamentarian units.
Bitwa zakończyła się niewielkim zwycięstwem parlamentu/ Battle has ended with Parliament's forces narrow victory.
A Little Diversion
While I wait for the basecoat on my commission to cure, I banged out a
unit of Roman Legionaries today.The figures are 28mm Old Glory. Yesterday I
20 godzin temu
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