Thracian right wing - javelinmen (7,8), slingers (9) amd light horse against Athenian javelinmen (8,9) and unarmoured hoplites (7)
W centrum falanga hoplitów (4,5,6) parła do przodu, a jeden z oddziałów nieopancerzonych hoplitów (7) ruszył zabezpieczać flankę.
Na trackim prawym skrzydle ostrzał obu stron okazał się nieskuteczny. Jeden oddział ateńskich oszczepników (8) zaszarżował na procarzy i zdezorganizował ich (9).
In 3rd turn main actions were taking place on both wings. On Thracian left wing javelinmen (2) disorganised Athenian slingers (1) and forced them to retreat. Athenian javelinmen (2) however charged against Thracian (1) that evaded charge. Light horse was unable to cause any causalties among elite hoplites (3) and evaded their charge.
In the Centre phalanx (4,5,6) marched forward and unarmoured hoplites secured the flank (7)
On Thracian right wing fire from both sides was ineffective. Athenian javelinmen (8) charged slingers (9) who decided to face the charge and disorganised them.
Ateńscy oszczepnicy (2) kontynuowali nieskuteczny pościg za Trakami (1), a hoplici (3) przegonili lekką jazdę za linię trackiej średniej piechoty(3).
Falanga kontynuowała natarcie (4,5,6). Hoplici na flance (7) nie byli w stanie dopaść trackich oszczepników (7), za to atakowani procarze (9) trzymali się, ale byli w poważnych opałach.
W wyniku zmasowanego ostrzału oddział ateńskich oszczepników (9) poniósł pierwsze straty i został zdezorganizowany.
In 4th turn again most interesting actions on both wings. Thracian javelinmen (2) charged and destroyed athenian slingers (1). Athenian lost first battlegroup.
Athenian javelinmen (2) failed to catch Thracian ones (1), and hoplites (3) chased Thracian light horse behind lines of thracian medium inf. (3).
Phalanx continued to push forward (4,5,6) and unarmoured hoplites (7) failed to cath javelinmen (7). Thracian slingers (9) were fighting hand to hand and holding ground despite serious troubles. Athenian javelinmen (9) suffered first loses from the lihjt horse and Thracian javelinmen and became distrupted.
Tura 5/Turn 5
In 5th turn main fight took place. On the left thracian javelinmen running from enemy charge ended their run near medium foot (3). In the centre hoplites charged uphill (4,5,6) suffering some causalties but keeping cohersion. Thracians also suffered from this blow. On the right wing Thracians managed to kill some hoplites with javelins (7). Slingers began to run away loosing cohersion after hand to hand combat (9). Thracian light horse charged Athenian javelinmen (9) distrupting their formation