Iberian mercenaries (in DBA Auxilia) are the last element of my DBA Syracusan army. Figures are 15mm from Xyston.
Najemnicy, jak to najemnicy - w wojnach Kartaginy z Syrakuzami służyli po obu stronach.
Iberian mercenaries were brought to Sicily by Carthaginians. It was even long before nowadays Spain was conquered by Carthage in 237 b.c..
As mercenaries they served both sides of the conflict - Carthage and Syracuse.
Iberians were known for their versatility in combat. They could serve as skirmishers or fight in line like these warriors. These warriors have spears that may also be thrown, swords and daggers.
Only one - second from the right has a small bronze armour. Three have helmets - one of bronze and the other from leather with bronze elements.
Nie jestem do konca zadowolony z efektu malowania. Dip zrobił się po pewnym czasie uzywania zbyt gęsty i trzeba było się solidnie napracować, żeby zdjąć jego nadmiar. Białe powierzchnie wyszły przez to zbyt ciemne jak na mój gust.
I'm not entirely content from the paintjob. Dip after some time of using got too thick and I had to put a lot of work into removing excess. As a result white areas are too dark for my liking.
Wkrótce zaprezentuję armię Syrakuz w komplecie.
Soon I'll present complete Syracusan army
2 komentarze:
they look ok to me. But i think your shields look bad compared to the Scutarii.
I'm thinking about repainting these smaller shields.
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