Jeśli niepokoiliście się co z szesnastowiecznymi chłopami - oto oni! Kolejny stand słabo uzbrojonych rebeliantów. Zamiast kosić zboże używają kos jako broni, a cepów zamiast do młócenia ziarna do młócenia szlachty.
Figurki to ciekawa mieszanka. Zbuntowany mnich to Mirliton, chłop z kosą w środku - Xyston, drugi chłop z kosą i rebeliant z siekierą to z kolei Wargamer, a schowany z tyłu z cepem QR Miniatures.
If you were worrying about 16th Century peasants - here they are! Next stand of poorly armed rebels. Instead of scything crops they use scythes as weapons and flails not to trash crops but to trash nobility.
Figures are an interesting mix. Rebel monk is from Mirliton, peasant with a scythe in the middle of the stand - Xyston, second peasant with a scythe and rebel with axe - Wargamer and at the back flailman from QR Miniatures.
USN WW2 "Heavy Metal" Battleships 1/3000
The USN certainly had a lot of heavy metal on the books at the start of
WW2. Admittedly most of it was left in a re-conditioned burning state after
the P...
12 godzin temu
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