W sobotę miałem okazje rozegrać bitwę Sasanidów z Rzymianami w systemie Warmaster Ancients.
Obie armie zostały przygotowane na około 1600 punktów, co oznacza całkiem spore starcie i około 20 jednostek na stronę.
Pomimo że nie mam czasu na pełny raport poniżej kilka zdjęć z rozgrywki.
On saturday I had an opportunity to play Sassanid army against Rome in Warmaster Ancienst system.
Both armies had about 1600 pts. so it was a fairly big battle with about 20 units per side.
I do not have enough time to make a battle report but I would like to show some photos of the game.
Sassanid line - Clibanari - heavy cav. including Guards. Behind them two units of horse archersm commander and three units of archers. In the background infantry, cataphracts, elephants and more horse archers.
Roman army and Franek (the youngest participant of the game). In the foreground heavy cav. and veterans. Behind them auxilia, slingers, legions (looots of them) and more auxilia.
Battlefield and many dice prepared (a lot of them were needed). In the middle a swamp that was to be contested by the infantry of both sides.
First round - Romans pass all their command tests and move forward. Sassanids on the contrary, stay in line.