W dotychczasowych rozgrywkach stosowaliśmy markery, mam to jednak zamiar zmienić. Zamiast plastikowych markerów szykuje figurki zabitych i rannych wojowników.
Field of Glory and other battle systems require casualty markers. In FOG battlegroup may be disrupted, fragmented or broken. In previous games we were using markers. Now I,m going to replace plastic markers with figures of fallen warriors
Na początek hoplici Xystona.
First Xyston hoplites
Hoplite battles were at first not very bloody. Enemies were fighting on chosen territory and sometimes even established neutral referees to observe the battle. Beaten enemy was usually not chasen so casualties of the loosers were usually several dozen killed or wounded and in the case of winners even smaller.
It has changed during Persian wars and later Peloponesian war. Especially the latter, when light units and foreign mercenaries were often sed and the aim was to break the enemy, has changed the customs. Beaten enemy was chasen down and killed.
3 komentarze:
Śliczne. Bardzo lubię takie dodatkowe "smaczki" figurkowe. I cenię też te historyczne wyjaśnienia:)
To bardzo dobra koncepcja! Uwielbiam takie "wargamingowe" smaczki :)
Pracuję już nad kolejnymi tego typu znacznikami.
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